By now, most people know that that the Home and Auto insurance markets in California are both extremely challenging. If you’re shopping around, you might be having a tough time finding the coverage and service you need at a price that fits your budget. Hopefully, things will begin to turn around before the end of 2024, but there will certainly be some changes to insurance as we know it.
Like some other carriers, State Farm is still not accepting new applications for Home insurance and other personal and commercial property policies. However, we are still writing new Auto insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance and many other insurance and financial services products. Please call, text, email or visit my office for a quote today! My team is ready to serve your insurance and financial needs.
I am a 2nd generation State Farm Agent with over 20 years of experience. After attending Golden West College for a couple years and ultimately graduating from the University of Southern California, I worked on an in-house computer support team at the Taco Bell Corporate office in Irvine, where I learned some essential customer service skills. After being promoted to the networking team where I traveled around the country to different remote sites and then completely rebuilt the computer network at the corporate office, I moved on to a small B2B Internet start-up to provide Internet security on the networking side. The dot-com bubble eventually took it's toll on the company and it became difficult to find a job. So, I switched gears and went into a thriving home lending industry, which taught me the importance of good credit and budgeting skills. After two years in this field, I realized it was not the long-term career I was hoping for. That's when I spoke with my father and brother about becoming a State Farm Agent.
As the son and former team member of a State Farm agent, I quickly learned the importance of providing excellent customer service. By getting to know my customers on a personal level, I believe we are better positioned to provide the service they need. I am knowledgeable about insurance and financial needs and I am learning more and more every day. In fact, I recently achieved the ChFC designation from The American College. I am also thoughtful about providing my customers with appropriate coverage at a reasonable price. My office is always looking for new neighbors to insure and I am happy to help those who have been here a while or who are relocating to Irvine and other parts of Orange County.
In addition to my work experience, I've been happily married to my wife, Michele, for over 20 years now. We originally met in middle school, but never dated until almost 10 years after graduating high school. My persistency finally paid off and we married in 2002. We now have two active teenage daughters, the oldest of which will be heading off to college in the fall, which will be a new experience for our family.
At the Ryan Stevens State Farm Agency, we offer free quotes and have 24-hour support when our physical location is not open. My team is also happy to schedule time outside of our regular office hours to help, if needed. We are currently writing Auto Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, RV Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Pet Insurance and many other financial products. Give us a call so we can help you!